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Does My Pet Really Need to Wear a Collar?

It can take some getting used to for a new pet to wear a collar for the first time. Your pet may scratch at the collar and act as though it really bothers him for several weeks. However, it is important that all puppies and dogs wear collars and ID tags; in fact, in some areas, it is required by law.

It’s easy to see that puppies grow quickly, but sometimes we might forget just how fast they can outgrow their collars. If not loosened on a regular basis, collars can quickly become too tight on a puppy’s neck and cause discomfort. Check your puppy’s collar at least every week until he/she is fully grown (which can be more than a year for large breeds).

Check adult dogs’ collars regularly to ensure the collar is properly fitted and safely secured. Adult dogs may gain or lose weight during their lives, and elderly dogs especially tend to lose weight. Also, some breeds of dogs have a heavier coat in the winter that will tighten the collar, then shed that coat in the spring and summer, allowing the collar to loosen.

You should be able to easily slip two or three fingers between the collar and your pet’s neck, although it shouldn’t be so loose that it can slip off over the head.

You should always keep ID tags on your dog with a properly fitted, flat-buckle collar made of nylon, cotton or leather. You may wish to display your dog’s ID tags on a body harness as well, but keep in mind that some dogs may chew off body harnesses when left unattended.

ID tags are a good reason to have a collar on your cat as well. No matter how vigilant you are, there’s a good chance that your cat will find herself outside at some point. Even if your cat is microchipped, it’s a good idea for your kitty to wear a collar. Not everyone has a microchip scanner handy, and a collar immediately lets anyone who might find her know that she has a home. If you put a tag with your phone number on your cat’s collar, it will greatly increase the chances that you’ll be reunited with her if she gets lost.

You should always choose a breakaway or quick release collar for your cat. These collars are designed to come apart if tugged on in the event your pet accidently catches the collar on something such as a tree branch, or a fence. A cat that cannot easily free itself from such a situation may struggle so violently that an injury may occur.

Training collars — such as head harnesses, choke collars/chains and pinch or prong collars — should never be left on a dog that is unattended. Such collars are intended only for training purposes while the dog is under close supervision, and should be removed when your pet is not being trained or walked.

